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Configure ets#

ets reads a configuration file if present. The data format is toml, which is a simple key=value format. The configuration file is called ets.cfg and can contain the following keys and values.

Key Value type Description
loglevel string One of 'debug', 'info', 'warn' or 'error'
verbose boolean When set to true, the logging is also copied to the standard output



Command line#

Run ets options command filename.js in the terminal. For example ets --verbose main.js. Each of the options and the command is optional.

Command Description
help Show help and exit
version Show version information and exit
Option Value type Description
--help, -h - Show help and exit
--loglevel string One of 'debug', 'info', 'warn' or 'error'
--verbose - When set to true, the logging is also copied to the standard output


When started, the software reads a file called ets.js if present. This is a good place to insert some defaults or some helper functions.

The name of the binary#

The binary is called ets.exe on Windows and ets on all other systems. You can rename the binary, which has the consequence that the lookup of the configuration and the startup files are performed under the new binary name. For example a binary called foo (foo.exe) looks for a startup file foo.js and a configuration file foo.cfg.